About Celbridge Disability Access Group
Our mission is to make the general public more aware of difficulties of daily living in terms of gaining access to paths and roads free of obstacles and in safety. To enter buildings, shops,public areas with ease. Also to have access to public transport including buses, trains, car-parking unaided.
What's Involved
Celbridge Access Group is at the point that it now needs more volunteers to join the group to take the activity to the next level, having been established and made links in the community and with local representatives, and public officials within the county. Volunteers will join the committee to support the work through skills of monitoring and reporting on finance, taking minutes and monitoring and replying to emails and other experience and skills that will support the group.
What's required for this position
Prior experience of working in administration or finance, in the public or private sector. Having an interest in Age-friendly policies and possibly a background in advocacy issues, would be helpful. A flexible and open manner and good team skills to contribute in a volunteer community group.
- Community Development/ Social work
- Computer/ Web/ ICT
- Event management/ Fundraising
- General Admin/ Office Support
Level of English required for this role:
Fluent English
Times and commitment required for this role
| Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
Morning | | | | | ✓ | | |
Afternoon |
Evening |
Minimum time commitment: 1 year
Hours required: 2hrs Monthly
Other Details
Location of volunteering opportunity:
Celbridge Access Group holds its meetings in accessible venues in Celbridge including Respond Community Centre, Springfield Close, Ballymackeally.
Screening details for this role:
Volunteers will be provided with the following supports:
- Support/ advice/ recognition
Volunteers with the following challenges will be supported in this role
- Physical Disability
- Learning Disability
- Mental Health Difficulties
Age restrictions:
Over 18