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Activities Facilitator

Social & Resource Centre

About Social & Resource Centre

The Social & Resource Centre is a neighbourhood centre located in an old corporation area active since 1984. Their aim is to enable local people to live a more social integrated life. They provide social activities such as Bingo on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and other social gatherings on Wednesday afternoons.

What's Involved

Volunteers who can bring new energy to a Wednesday afternoon club for over 60's are required.

The volunteer would facilitate activities such as music sessions, gentle exercise, basic arts, crafts, knitting and other activities of interest.

The club is informal with a friendly chat and a cup of tea after the activity. They meet at 7.00 pm for around 2 hours each Tuesday evening.

What's required for this position

If the volunteer has a skill or an interest in crafts, gentle exercise, playing music or singing, this would be an advantage. The ability to be friendly and to put people at ease.

  • Arts/ Music/ Drama
  • Personable Skills

Level of English required for this role:
Intermediate English

Times and commitment required for this role


Minimum time commitment: 1 month

Hours required: 2hrs Weekly

Other Details

Location of volunteering opportunity:

Screening details for this role:

  • Informal Interviews

Volunteers will be provided with the following supports:

  • Insurance cover

Volunteers with the following challenges will be supported in this role

  • Physical Disability
  • Sensory Disability
  • Learning Disability
  • Mental Health Difficulties

Benefits you will receive as a volunteer

Volunteers who have come to this group over the years have found it a very worthwhile experience.

  • This opportunity is posted by:
  • Volunteer Centre: Cork
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