About Meath Volunteer Centre
Meath Volunteer Centre provides information and advice to people interested in volunteering and to organisations looking for volunteers. We advertise vacancies, advise people on their options and help organisations to recruit and support their volunteers.
What's Involved
As part of an Erasmus+ programme, volunteers will be required to assist in a 5 month research project to develop an Online Platform called EvaVol for validating the learning, skills and competences gained from volunteering.
The aim of EvaVol is to help translate your experience as a volunteer into a Portfolio that may be used as Recognized Previous Learning in a 3rd Level Educational Institution.
As a participant in this programme you will be required to test the Online platform EvaVol as it is being developed.
You will also be required to upload a 10 min video per month to YouTube of your experiences.
A portfolio will be created of your volunteering skills, learning and competences by using the tools from EvaVol with specific Learning Outcomes from your 3rd Level Course in mind.
You will then take this Portfolio to your Educational Institution with the aim to have it formally recognized as Previous Learning.
The 4 volunteers out of 16 with the most YouTube likes will attend an expenses paid 5 day conference in Brussels in the latter part of the year, to share their experience.
What's required for this position
Participants must be: Over 18. Currently Volunteering. In 3rd Level Education
Minimum time commitment: 6 months
Hours required: 2hrs Weekly
Other Details
Location of volunteering opportunity:
Own Home
Also available in these counties
Screening details for this role:
Volunteers will be provided with the following supports:
- Support/ advice/ recognition
- Supervision
- Initial induction and training
Volunteers with the following challenges will be supported in this role
- Physical Disability
- Sensory Disability
Age restrictions:
Over 18