About Le Cheile Social Group
To provide a safe environment where people can come together to socalise , meet new friends, plan outings. To alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation.
What's Involved
Update and record garda vetting for volunteers, help develop a volunteer policy for the Group
What's required for this position
Experience in garda vetting and volunteer policy
- Community Development/ Social work
- Other
Level of English required for this role:
Fluent English
Times and commitment required for this role
| Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
Morning |
Afternoon | | ✓ | | | | | |
Evening |
Minimum time commitment: 1 month
Hours required: 3hrs Monthly
Other Details
Location of volunteering opportunity:
Castleknock Community Centre
Other location details:
Screening details for this role:
Volunteers will be provided with the following supports:
- Ongoing training opportunities
Age restrictions:
No age restrictions
Is this opportunity suitable for groups/teams of volunteers?
Benefits you will receive as a volunteer
They will help our organisation ensure that we are up todate with vetting requirements and hopefully they will find that their giving of their expertise can be of a personal awarding benefit to themselves
Getting there
bus 37 stops outside Centre. The train is a 13 minute walk to the Centre